Golden Delicious Salad

Golden Delicious Salad

1 package lemon gelatin
1/2 cup hot water
1 cup ginger ale
2 tablepsoons lemon juice
1/2 cup pitted ripe olives
1/2 cup chopped walnut meats
1 1/2 cups diced Golden Delicious apples

Dissolve gelatin in 1/2 cup hot water.  Let cool.  Add the ginger ale and mix well.  Add lemon juice.  Pour 1/3 of the liquid into a mold and chill until syrupy.  Rotate mold so that some of the gelatin adheres to sides.  Place sliced olives and a few unpeeled apple slices decoratively in mold.  Combine remaining ingredients and add to rest of gelatin.  Pour into mold and chill until firm.  Serve with mayonnaise combined with cream and cream cheese.

Yield: 6 portions


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